Vital Lessons As Ibom Air Displays Gross Unprofessionalism And Reckless Endangerment Against Okwuluora, other passengers in Nigeria
The cry for a new and better Nigeria may seem like child’s play to many who haven’t felt the evil heat of the wicked in the country. However, for those like Okwuluora Ndigbo (Mr. Okoh Emmanuel), who have and are still battling with it, it is a prayer that begs urgent answering from above!
Such wicked madness was again on full display by an organization that one would have least expected ever to be mentioned or tagged near such, yet, alas, Ibom Air’s impunity even seems worse than a quarter of what has triggered violent protests before in many places worldwide.
Fondly and widely renowned as “Okwuluora Ndigbo,” Mr. Emmanuel got an unfair share of this Nigerian madness today from Ibom Air, who allegedly put them through one of the most horrific, criminal, despicable, and traumatic experiences anyone could ever have with any firm, organization, or company anywhere in the world!

While I unequivocally condemn the appalling unprofessionalism of Ibom Air and also demand that they pay Okwuluora and other victims adequate damages and publicly apologize to them for the horrible treatment and experience, I also need to state that this read is a bit more than that alone. News of how they were criminally harassed and maltreated by Ibom Air has spread and is already trending, so this is not about the gory details either.
From my spiritual perspective, I thank God for Okwuluora for whatever happened to him on June 13, 2023. Oh, I want him to know that no power of hell nor scheme of men can ever pluck him from God’s hands; in the hands of Christ Jesus, he stands, and ONLY God commands his destiny!
When I watched the video where he was narrating his ordeal, I was heartbroken. As an activist who has zero tolerance for INJUSTICE, I was going to get across to him and mobilize everyone and everything within our reach to fight back.
However, that voice came to me and said, relax and listen carefully to ME: “Emmanuel Onyeka Okoh ‘Okwuluora’ will have life, and he will have it in abundance! I am God Almighty, and I will not stop ordering his steps in the right direction. He is my chosen one, and he has not missed or lost anything to warrant the question, “GOD, WHY”? I do not do things to kill, destroy or ruin MY chosen ones; I do things to build, protect and preserve MY chosen ones.”

I pray this gets to him and every other person that flight mishap has cost a lot and probably feels like their world has crashed because of all they’ve lost. No, your life is neither ruined nor over! God DOES NOT cause confusion, and HE knows better and sees our future!
So, in everything, let’s always give thanks to God…HE knows better. Okwuluora, you haven’t lost anything…Watch out for the RESTORATION coming for you.
And, in keeping with our tradition at Mgbeke Media, I’ve also highlighted a few vital lessons for others to see and heed in this sad but eventful incident. Here they are below:
(1) No One Is Above The Law – Justice for Okwuluora!
Yes, the reparations, apologies, compensations, and damages claimed may not bring back their losses and erase the bitter trauma they also suffered during the humiliation meted out to them by the disgraceful airline, but at least it’s a start!
Corporate bodies, individuals, and government officials need to start knowing and seeing, too, that it won’t be business as usual anymore in this country – you cannot and will not just ruin people’s lives, stomp all over them, and expect to get away with it because you feel you’re influential. Enough of this madness in Nigeria, please!
As he reportedly heads to court to seek proper redress on this matter, let’s all be reminded that this is a case of assault, bartering, and misconduct. If I could, I’ll add conspiracy to victimize, intimidate, and illegally subdue him to their charge sheet as well!
They must pay for damages and tender an unreserved public apology to him and all the other passengers for their mad behavior and the severe inconveniences it has caused these innocent travelers.
(2) Never Leave Your Hand Luggage Anywhere But In Your Hands!
My dear people, it is called “hand luggage” for a reason, and that’s always to keep and have it handy and readily accessible for you, isn’t it?
From all he narrated, Okwuluora made a grave mistake that I want to highlight and hope others will learn from today. Whenever you’re traveling, your hand luggage must contain ALL your vital documents, tickets, boarding passes, phones, accessories, and even personal effects like wipes, tampons (for ladies in case of an unexpected flow), house keys, and others.
Now, on no account should you ever drop it inside the glove or overhead compartment and then alight from that bus, vehicle, or aircraft without it! My dear brother, Okwuluora, found himself stranded and consequently lost even more than he would have if he had kept hold of his hand luggage.
Sadly, he erroneously thought he was dealing with a humane and reasonable bunch of people that day, hence his naive act of disembarking without it because he thought they would be boarded back and leave as planned.
Please learn from his story and any other person who may have made the same mistake too that ugly day, and don’t ever handicap yourself like this wherever you may go in the world.
(3) Always have a plan “B”, ignore every distraction and set your eyes on your expected destination and do all within your reach to achieve your set goal or get to your expected destination either by taking a night bus, calling reliable friends and family members to arrange for a driver, security or a charttered vehicle to your destination. Then you can attend to the ugly situation latter after achieving the reason for your trip. If you were ready to risk the ‘faulty airplane’, you can also risk the road journey and with strong faith in God, devine protection, prayers, and great determination, you can still achieve your set goals.
“Ana eji uche eme ihe – Wisdom is indeed profitable to direct!”