Valid Questions As Ex-Corrections Officer Casey White Commits Suicide During Police Chase
Former Corrections Officer Vicky White allegedly shot herself to death after the car she and her escaped fugitive lover, Casey White, were trying to get away in was rammed into by police during a high-speed chase in Vanderburgh County, Evansville, Indiana, USA.

Vicky had been accused of helping the capital murder suspect and convict Casey to escape from prison in Alabama, and a nationwide search had been on for the suspected lovers for over 10 days.
According to Dave Wedding, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff, who addressed a press conference on May 10, 2022, Casey willingly turned himself in after the crash, but Vicky shot herself. Later, she was confirmed dead at Deaconess Hospital in Evansville by the Vanderburgh Co. Coroner Steve Lockyear.

Sheriff Dave revealed that the police had been tipped off by a worker with a local car wash in the area where Casey and Vicky were in the region. Subsequently, their vehicle was spotted by an Evansville Deputy, and the couple was cornered at a hotel along US Highway 41, from where the chase took off.
US Marshals task force officers reportedly rammed into their black Ford truck, which flipped into a ditch. The former Corrections Officer swiftly killed herself before the police got to them in the car.
This latest development raises valid questions and lessons that we would like to share with everyone here.
(1) Who Was The Hardened Criminal Mastermind Here: After the car crash, one would have thought that if anyone was going to pull out a gun and fire, it should have been the convicted capital murderer.
However, reports hold that Vicky shot herself before the police could apprehend the couple, and one cannot but wonder – who was the criminal mastermind between these two?
While one could argue that she didn’t want to face the shame of being sent as an inmate to a prison where she once ruled as an officer, it doesn’t change the fact that it takes a lot of guts to pick up a gun and shoot yourself, though. Casey reportedly surrendered without a problem, even though the police found several other guns and cash of about $29,000.

Seeing how she could quickly opt for that option raises many questions about who this woman was beneath her exterior’s homely and calm demeanor. This teaches us that nothing is ever as it seems on the outside. Never judge anything by face value. There is more to things than meets the eye.
Co-workers at the Lauderdale County Sheriff reportedly revealed that Vicky had told them that she was taking Casey to a mental health appointment when they both disappeared. They later found out that no such arrangement had ever been booked.
(2) How Were They Not Suspected? Another pressing question is how did the other officers in charge of the corrections facility not suspect that something was going on between Vicky and Casey?
This couple reportedly maintained their relationship for two years, so it is a wonder that no one tried to stop it. It is also quite sad that someone with her spotless record and reputation could fall so fast and suddenly throw everything away for one dangerous man.
Yes, some temptations come to us many times that may be so hard to resist, but there is none that we can’t overcome if we truly want to. Vicky gave everything up for Casey – her career, her pension, her home, her reputation, and ultimately her life too, and for what exactly? A life that would have been spent running, dodging, and hiding like street mice?
No amount of gratification that anything illicit offers can ever be worth it! Live your life honorably and stand for the truth always, and you will spend your life in peace and security for the rest of your days. Now, that is something we believe is truly worth dying for!
By: Dr. Sandra C. Duru