Three ways the devil can break you down on your way to your expected destination in life:
1. False accusations
2. Attacks
3. Consistent Harassments
If you allow the devil and his wicked agents of darkness to give you nervous breakdown, you’ll be completely ruined. If you cry uncontrollably and become emotionally drained and weak, they have gotten you in their net and they’ll further break you down emotionally, psychologically, financially, mentally, spiritually and physically, because you have given them free access to your ‘powerhouse’ which is your mind.
A broken heart or a drained mind is too weak to pray, plan, concentrate, focus and meditate.
When you notice that you are being accused, attacked, bullied, harrassed, abused and treated with so much hatred, bitterness, disrespect and wickedness, no matter who is involved, do not make excuses for them. Stand up for yourself, and those within your care.
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Thanks alot for this professor mgbeke.
I love this article