It’s funny how people with carnal minds talk about things of the spirit. You don’t have to be religious before you can be spiritually gifted. I read some nasty comments from very myopic, low intelligent people, spiritually blinded people who were saying Pastor Adeboye should raise his almost 43 years old son who did not die but slept in the Lord. The ‘old soul’ was neither sick nor killed by anything, he finished his race and returned back to his Creator to continue as an Angel in preparation for other SPECIAL endtime activities.
Did you listen to his last preaching, “FINISHING WELL?” Old souls don’t look young or behave their age when they are here with you on earth. They speak in parables. Some of them grow up and looking younger every year, yet behave like 90 years with so much wisdom. Some look very old, even older than their mates, and behave younger, but blessed with greater wisdom.
They don’t get sick because they operate on a higher realm and they are being taken care of by DEVINE physicians. They do things that ordinarily can not be done by people of their age and status. They are very unique, peculiar and very different from their siblings. Even their siblings and parents can not understand them. Unfortunately, they are old souls operating in flesh and existing in our midst as sisters, helpers, “covered saints”, leaders, friends, brothers, wives, husbands, children, uncles, aunties, colleagues, neighbours, customers, students, landlords, tenants, etc.
Check within you, you may have one in your family. Though, they are very rare and not easy to identify. Some call them different names, but they come into a kindred ones every 7 years. They are very powerful and spiritually gifted and blessed. Nothing can stop them until they are done with their assignments on earth. They don’t have a permanent home, no matter how wealthy or poor their background is, they choose to be independent, and some to live like ‘nobodies’ and abandon their family’s wealth and inheritance, just to live their purpose. Some at a time in their lives, they naturally return back to the way their Creator wants them to be in order to run their race or fulfill the reasons for their creation or their assignments on earth.
Many of them move around like missionaries doing good and great things. They don’t fear death. They know when it’s time to return back to their Creator. They do all their work, shower, eat and sleep in peace. Yes, their soul returns back to their original home.
Please, don’t cry for such people when they sleep in peace, they are resting well and gone back home to be with their God. They are like Saints ordained in heaven. The world is too polluted for their spirits, so they are called back home to prepare the endtime soldiers and they are finially attached to the remaining old souls, saints, messengers of God Almighty who are still physically living here and doing the work of their father.
Many people don’t understand the things of the spirit and they end up destroying themselves and even placing curses on their generations for being careless with their utterances and actions.
We are in the endtime, watch and pray.
Your salvation should be your utmost priority now and how to secure your own salvation, not how another man who has completed his own race is doing over there or how his father is doing here. Does Pastor Dare Adeboye look like a 43 years old man? He came to the world as an old soul very blessed, spiritually gifted and prepared to do his heavenly father’s work and the same heavenly father who sent him has called him back home.
He is not dead, he only answered the call of his Creator and went back home. Nobody knows when it will be his or her own

How prepared are you?
May his soul continue to rest in peace, God giveth and taketh
He has completed his race. God help us to live according to your will. Amen
He has gone to be with his maker.
Rest on pastor Dare
It is well.