HIDDEN TRUTH: Nigerian Army Personnel Attack And Destroy Nko Village, Cross River, Nigeria, After Death Of Soldier In Peace-Keeping Mission
Residents and indigenes of Nko, in the Yakurr area of Cross River State, Nigeria, have raised the alarm at the mindless killings and brutality currently being unleashed on them by men of the Nigerian Army over the death of one soldier during their peacekeeping operation in the community.

According to reports, there had been a communal clash between the Nko and Onyadama residents in the State, and the army was sent in to restore calm in the region. However, things reportedly got out of hand after Nko youths allegedly attacked the soldiers and killed at least one of them.
An eye-witness account stated: “Yes. Apparently, soldiers were sent to stop the communal clash between Nko and Onyadama communities. It seems the Nko people killed one or more soldiers. The soldiers returned for blood. The other community is fine. Sad to see innocents being killed.”

Another Twitter user who cried out over the issue said: “Dear Nigerians, They’re still shooting sporadically in my village (Nko, Yakurr area of cross river state.) It’s enough that they burnt our house with my father in it, and my poor mother is still in Tye Bush, hiding for her life. We can’t even travel, which makes more horrible.”
These unlawful and evil retributive attacks started on Sunday, June 26, 2022, yet to date, no statement regarding the situation in Nko has been issued either by the Nigerian Army or even the State Governor, Ben Ayade.

The media silence over this alarming matter is also quite disturbing, and we cannot help but ask at this point: Is it that there is absolutely no regard for human life or the rule of law again in this APC and Buhari-led Nigeria? Why would the Nigerian Army unleash jungle justice on a community filled with many innocent people, and no one is bothering to call them to order?!
If Nigerians ever vote in a government like this present administration, then we would indeed have no one else to blame but ourselves because this is the worst ever in this nation’s history!

We will be bringing you updates on the situation as things unfold.
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