You are not rich until you have things money can’t buy. You may be a millionaire or a billionaire yet, you can’t afford something with your money and sometimes you have to rely on someone who is not as rich or as wealthy as you are to solve some of your problems. It also depends on how you measure wealth. You may be wealthy and still be poor. You may be rich and still be poor.
A friend and brother to a billionaire bragged to me sometimes in February 2021 that money can do anything and everything, money can buy everything and take care of everything. He went on to brag about his billionaire brother and friend that he can do everything and anything with his money.
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Money cannot buy life, for instance when someone stop breathing, (that’s when someone is confirmed dead) then money cannot buy life back.
Thank you Prof.
You couldn’t have said it better prof.
Money is not all.
You need things that cannot be quantified financially