You Have All That You Need To Be Genuinely Happy And Successful Within You And Around You.
A lot of people wake up every day feeling very down, unwell, hopeless, unhappy, frustrated, dismal, terrible, disturbed and confused, bleak and frightened to start their day. Many do not even know where to start. It’s your mindset.
When you write down your vision, it becomes clearer, organized, and achievable because, you can envision your mission, it’s that simple.
Get up and break those generational barriers, curses, hardships, and ‘never do well’ in your lineage. Write down that vision in faith, make it plain| simple, easy, and start working towards achieving it silently. Please, don’t make noise about it.
Avoid distractions, unhealthy relationships, toxic people, toxic environment, and anything that will weigh down your mental toughness. Preserve your sanity|mind| and mental health at all costs and at all times.
Habakkuk 2:2: “And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the Vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”
Everything we need to become genuinely successful and happy is in the Bible and deposited in us by our creator from birth.
By: Dr. Sandra C. Duru