What Do The Mafia And God’s Oracle Have In Common? – They Produce Made Men!
When our Lord Jesus Christ met Simon Peter and his brother Andrew, HE made one of the most profound statements in the history of humankind: “And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” – Matthew 4:19.
Over the next 3-and-a-half years, HE would go on to turn some ordinary, below average, unlearned regular men into a group of dynamic, fearless, powerful, and greatly anointed men who not only became fishers but makers of men!
The early church was filled with pure and thoroughbred believers who were a terror to the kingdom of darkness and organized religions worldwide in their time. Hence, it is unsurprising that the world looked at the blueprint of how the early Apostles and their followers set up each church across the globe, and soon enough, something quite similar sprung up.

Known to many as the “Mafia” and widely renowned for organized crime and other unpleasant activities, “The Family,” as more knowledgeable people call them, runs a system that has some unique similarities with the early church that is not common knowledge.
While the world rightly focuses on the crimes that The Family commits, have you ever paused to think about how many young men were previously regarded as vagabonds and written off by everyone else but who eventually made something of their lives and eventually rose to prominence as “Made Men” thanks to the family, albeit through criminal activities?
If you chose to see the motive before the action for once, you would understand that the ways of The Family are what everyone else with resources in this world should adopt – a system that encourages and greatly rewards courage, diligence, loyalty, and resourcefulness, and makes it possible for anyone to become somebody in life as long as you have the grit, will, determination, mental toughness, discipline, and focus on doing so.
Recently, some have accused me of being and acting like “a Mafian” because their devious, scheming, manipulative, and ill intents never prospered and still fail over me, and I laugh. Ironically, though, if you were to judge by the number of made men God has used me to raise, position in great places worldwide, and am still doing, well, maybe I should indeed be reckoned as “Don Mgbeke” after all.😂😂

I have received a mandate, and part of my God-given purpose on Earth is to liberate people and give those I am led to help all the mentoring, training, and assistance to rise from the dunghill to their palaces in life. If that earns me the tag “Mafiosi,” then so be it! Having been called countless names and things before all through my life, this is just another feather in my cap for all I care…and I kind of like it too.😁😋
Remain richly blessed always, my darlings.
I love ❤️ you.
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Remain richly blessed ma’am