Prof. Mgbeke’s Sunday Sermon: May 7, 2023
The Golden Rule Isn’t Just A Law – It’s A Lifesaver!
Hello, my beloved brethren. I hope that your day has been great so far. We are living in a world in times that are so desperately wicked; one cannot but shudder and wonder why many people these days are just so devious.
As I pondered over some recent events in the world and also meditated on what to share with you today, though, these scriptures came to me that summed up something about us humans.
Widely referred to as the “Golden Rule,” our Lord Jesus Christ gave the perfect solution to all of humanity’s conflicts, plagues, troubles, and evils here when HE said: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” – Luke 6:31.
HE somehow further emphasized this in another passage about the same rule as HE said: “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” – Matthew 7:12.
And this is all my admonition and plea to you today as well, for indeed, this rule sums up all the laws God gave to Moses and the Israelites, and even all the fathers and prophets before and after him. My beloved brethren, if only we all took this rule to heart and started to live by it, so many problems we deal with today would never exist!
No one would ever be bothered about sexual pandemics, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases would never exist because everyone would be faithful to their chosen partners. This also implies that there would be no divorce, alimony palava, child support headaches, and every other problem associated with failed marriages and divorce.
You would not need stringent security and safeguarding measures because you know you live in peace and assured safety with your neighbors and even strangers that come through your space. Dishonesty, corruption, fraud, cheating, and embezzlement of public funds would not exist because no one would ever think to rob their fellow brethren in any way.
Discrimination, racism, tribalism, egoism, nepotism, narcissism, man’s inhumanity to his fellow men, and every other evil you can think about right now would never exist if only you and I would just decide to only always “do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”
Before you kill another man’s child, sleep with your sister’s husband, sell another living human like you off into slavery or to be harvested like a commodity, or any other evil desires running through your mind, please take a moment to ask yourself: “If this was done to my child or me, how would I feel? Would I want, like, support, or celebrate such?”
If we all would honestly and truthfully ask and answer these questions within ourselves before we do anything, I assure you that in no time, even this depravedly corrupt and alarmingly evil world we presently live in will be transformed into an unbelievable paradise of great goodness, serenity, love, peace, and sweet harmony.
Don’t say it’s a lost cause, and then continue to give others what you wouldn’t like to take from them. The change we all desire and pray for starts with you and me. Be the change you want to see in the world today, and by all means, too, please be your brother’s keeper!
May the Lord cause HIS love to flood our hearts for one another, and may we all choose to live in peace and goodness instead of evil and calamity, in the name of Jesus Christ; Amen!
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