Never find yourself in a position where you have to lie or pretend to make someone else feel good or acceptable. You need to always present issues the way they are so that you can address whatever comes up as a result of your openness once and for all.
It is true that we sometimes need to be diplomatic in handling affairs that have to do with humans but ultimately, we need to be sincere at all times so that the people concerned don’t get the wrong message from us.
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Is good to always say the truth.
Thanks alot Prof. Is very insightful.
I love to tell the truth no matter what! When you say a single lie, you will need many other lies to support it but when you tell the truth, you have nothing to worry about. Truth stands tall always.
Lies puts one in more trouble, better say it as it is, or close your mouth. Very painful to find out you lie to be accepted. Than saying truth, if it is meant to be, it will be be.