Royalty, royalty…oh, royalty! What shall we bequeath a Queen on her joyous day?
A thousand bouquets of the most delicate red roses from Ecuador, or even all the most beautiful tulips from Holland, Hungary, and Turkey put together could still not match the splendor that you exude. Hence they all fall short and are not fit to be presented to royalty such as you.
Why do you stand out so gallantly amongst all others, my Queen? Is it because thou art the mother of the Prince of the great Ile-Ife kingdom and the Olori of Ooni Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi Ojaja II? No…not entirely only because of that alone.
Olori Evangelist Naomi Silekunola, you are so much more regal and magnificent because you were, first of all, a queen in the courts filled with the praises, adulations, and worship of our King; who sits enthroned in the heavens and reigns over the affairs of man!
That glory and aura surround you yet, and your uniqueness is even more evident in the significance of this day that you opened your eyes and took your first breath upon the earth.
May the irrevocable blessing that came upon all creation on the day our Lord stepped below into hell by HIS crucifixion and inevitable resurrection be multiplied upon you and yours today…I pray especially for you that as the grave could not hold HIM, so shall nothing and no obstacle be able to stand before you all the days of your life!
Happy 29th Birthday to you, Olori Naomi…may each new and passing day of your new year continue to bring you countless victories, joy, peace, and all of God’s goodness, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!
By: Dr. Sandra C. Duru