I Tried To Quit And Its Too Hard! I am Tired!
You might have said this to yourself once in a while when you are under a lot of pressure. It can be when you have tried to stop an addiction, a very bad habit, difficulty in moving forward or facing a very hard task. Quitting something could be exceedingly hard, and at such, we wouldn’t want to put ourselves through that kind of stress. Have you tried giving up alcohol? Marijuana? Promiscuity, Biting your nails? Complaining? Lying, Cigarettes? Or even other very serious bad habits? It is really hard to quit an addiction or bad habits, and there are several factors that can stand in our way.
Physical Addiction — this is hard but it only lasts a few days. Fortunately, I can tell you that if you really put your mind to it, you can do anything hard for a few days to quit your addiction or bad habits.
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Very inspired.
Very very