I Know How To Make Satan Hate Me – That’s Why I Am Always Victorious!
Today is the 6th day of December, 2022. It has been 11 months of unparalleled goodness, mercies, and blessings of God Almighty.
2022 has been an amazingly challenging year in many ways that I have almost never seen before, but today is not the day we talk about that.
If there is one thing I observed and learned a great lesson from this year, it is the extreme wickedness, evil, guile, envy, and treachery I found in the most unexpected and unbecoming places. Sad, heartbreaking, and revolting are but a few words I can use to describe how it has felt, yet I am unperturbed, though.
I’ve also been able to confirm something without a doubt, too, this year, and it is the fact that I know how to make Satan hate me, and I absolutely love it!
In all the extreme madness and inconceivable evil the devil has thrown at me through all his devious agents, I am grateful to God for not only helping me to overcome all but also never to crack or show any signs of being affected by all their malice and attacks.
My beloved people, I need you to please always remember that Satan never attacks a worthless person who has no great calling or purpose. Pirates do not attack empty vessels on the sea, remember?
However, when the devil and his agents throw all they can against you and keep attacking you relentlessly from all sides, but you do not break down in tears and start panicking, Satan hates it so much because it throws his camp into confusion and disarray!
This has been my response and natural reaction to all the devil and his agents, even in supposed so-called churches, have maliciously done against me from the beginning of this year to date. It is also the reason and the guarantee of my limitless victory – even my unflinching faith, trust, and confidence in the One who called and equipped me as HIS Oracle here on earth!
Yes! I know exactly how to make Satan hate me because he can NEVER subdue me, and he surely cannot stand it when he finds and has to bow before God’s children like me.
No matter what your challenges, battles, and troubles are, you can walk in this level of victory and make the devil and all his agents hate and fear you, too! All you need to do is always keep your focus and eyes on God alone, and I can more than assure you that you will certainly always prevail and be victorious.

May the Lord bless, strengthen, and keep you and cause that no evil befalls you and yours in the remaining days of this year, in the name of Jesus Christ; Amen! Read more…
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Surviving this year wasn’t easy, we thank God for life