Don’t Hold On To Needless Baggage In Life – Not Everyone Is Meant To Be With You Forever!
My beloved friends, how are you all doing today? Another work week is upon us, and we must make every second of it count as we go about our daily lives and purposes.
As we all go into the week seeking to knock off some more goals and hit those targets, too, I would like to share these brief words of motivation for someone out there who may have been struggling with breaking through a particular lid and level for a while now.
Many times in life, we are the reason why we become stagnant and have our progress stunted. Most of these times, too, these things are done ignorantly, and we unconsciously put ourselves in those positions. Have you been unable to go past a particular spot or phase in your life, and you’re starting to wonder if you have reached your limits physically, mentally, and in many other areas?
Before you go falling for that lie of the enemy and allow him to put such a damaging restriction on you, please riddle me this:
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