Imo state youths, please stop playing “nshiko” crab politics of timidity and bitterness. How many of you have learnt from the DG WTO campaign and the America presidential election game of intelligence, very positive cleverness, smartness, strategic planning and execution of organized scripts for removing the “unwanted” powers systematically? I doubt if you have any knowledge of what is going on in the world.
I bet you, nothing good will happen in Imo state without a GROWTH MINSET and without you people changing your way of reasoning and how you do things. My interactions with many of you left me asking what is wrong with your BRAINS?
Many gave excuses for their actions that poverty, unemployment and hunger are the three main factors of their topmost sycophantic iberiberism and foolishness. But, I think its poverty of the mind and soul. Hunger will make a man with a pure heart and growth mindset to think out of the box and change his situation drastically in line with higher spirit of survival techniques either to fight for what belongs to him or walk away to make a living without being a slave to the same people starving him, then return and apply the BRITISH-AMERICAN STRATEGY in systematically pushing away the “unwanted” power and regain control of his life and future. You can’t be surrounded with fertile lands and still be hungry and jobless with a creative mind?
It’s only in Imo State that you will see able young men and women jobless and joyfully jobbing and jabbing to defend the same people who have messed up their lives and still messing around with their lives in the name of politics and religion.
Hey, I am SANDRA C DURU, PROFESSOR MGBEKE and I am very independent and different. I am a Universal Woman who loves to see things done correctly without being paid to say the truth or profer solutions. Sometimes I accept very few consulting jobs discretionary and as I deemfit or necessary to help some top government officials get things done. Just like I did and still doing in Nigeria and outside. I don’t rely on your corrupt politicians for anything at all and I am not in anyway afraid of them. None is my enemy and none is my friend.
So, calling several nonsensical meetings of “let’s make her irrelevant and stop visiting her page, let’s start attacking her “mass withdrawal” is crazy and petty. I am not on the same blurry “Rockview” frequency range with you few Imo state ITIBORIBOLISTIC Youths. I have survived all the attacks from your past government stooges and vampires plus all your politically motivated and sponsored cyber bullying, defamation, blackmail and attacks. They all contributed to my success and my greater achievements in life. I gave you people the opportunity and the easy access to me back then in 2011-2017 but, I thank God for all the experiences and lessons learned from that little exposure. It will never happen again!
Let me tell you, we have great young men and women presently living in Imo State and from Imo state scattered around the world and be rest assured that we are not sleeping. Imo state will be fixed soonest. WE ARE NOT GOING TO RUN AWAY FROM OUR BEAUTIFUL LAND because of very few rascals that can be tamed.
I am an Imolite and I strongly believe that our land will be fixed in our time. It’s doable and we can do it and WILL DO IT.
I am not getting younger but older, wiser and better. Do you guys truly know me? Before you call another meeting for me, ask yourselves the outcome of all the past meetings and attacks on me, what did you achieve individually and collectively and where is SANDRA C DURU today? Did she sink? Did she vanish? Did you succeed?
You can’t fight or destroy a UNIQUE DESTINY.
There’s a reason for my existence and I am living my purpose, until I gracefully complete my assignment here, sorry there’s nothing anyone, any demon, any spirit can do about it.
Give your life a meaning and add value to your life.
I am not your problem but may be the solution to your numerous problems in Imo State, Nigeria. Think about it.
Well done professor mgbeke.
You nailed it.You can do so much more if given opportunity because i know your passion for your people
My dear, until the youths of today begin to understand that these politicians or rather their elected officials or leaders are their servants and they have the rights to hold them accountable, there won’t be reasonable developments in Africa.